Book Review: The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis

THE PROBLEM OF PAIN by C. S. Lewis focuses on why there is pain in the world. This book review was written by Hank Griffith of South Suburban Evangelical Free Church in Apple Valley, Minnesota. This book is good for everyone who struggles with the thought of God putting us through pain and struggles.

Reading a book by C. S. Lewis is always an adventure of one kind or another. What a great mind! What a great imagination! I loved reading The Chronicles of Narnia to my children, twice actually, once to my older ones, then again to my younger ones. That fascinating series can be enjoyed both from the standpoint of its intriguing stories and its hidden theological truths.

Highly philosophical

The Problem of Pain, however, is different. At times I found myself struggling to follow Lewis’ line of thought in this rather philosophical book. C. S. Lewis enjoys thinking deeply. He firmly believes in God as the Creator of the universe and in man as fallen, but the way he portrays them is at times poetic and symbolic, rather than literal, as conservative evangelicals have… (CONTINUE READING)

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