
Worldwide has become the reality of missions today. Spread out across the continents, missionaries often find themselves secluded from each another by barriers of geography and culture. Missionaries serving in a variety of cultures, each with untapped knowledge built from personal experiences, stand isolated from one another.  They are unable either to learn from or to teach others. 

Realizing this, Grow2Serve has dedicated itself to creating a network of resources available to missionaries wherever they are. Our network site pools together easily accessible audios, videos, articles, and other learning opportunities offered by dozens of evangelical mission organizations across the world.  At the same time, our online courses bring together missionaries scattered all over the globe into the same classes to learn both from each other and from the course material. In these online classes, missionaries learn how to handle the difficult realities of their new world, wrestling with topics such as culture shock, spiritual warfare, and language learning. And what’s more, these online courses don’t provide one-way only learning. In them, missionaries from countries on opposite sides of the world can meet and learn from each other as much as from the course material, sharing personal experiences and knowledge to support and encourage one another in their mutual pursuit of the Great Commission.

No longer limited by geography, these missionaries now share their varied experiences and pass along knowledge for those who come after. With today’s networking options, geography no longer acts as an isolating barrier to missionaries across the globe.  And being spread out is no longer a liability. Now, more than ever, worldwide is an asset to collaborative learning.

1 comment

  1. Mark Morgenstern

    It’s kind of interesting that we assume “worldwide” as a reality of missions, but then sometimes don’t stop and think about the implications that flow out of that reality. Good job, Amberle, on capturing some interesting implications.

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