Featured Resource: Preparing Missionary Couples for Cultural Stress

Grow2serve partner, Missio Nexus, is the largest and most inclusive expression of Great Commission oriented evangelicals in North America (US and Canada) that fosters shared learning, opportunities for collaborative action, and produces increased effectiveness through its many mission-orientated products, programs, and services.

Marriage faces unique challenges when transplanted into a new context for life and ministry. This article is an optional resource from the CIT Next online course Marriage Remade. The article explores several sources of unique and sometimes unexpected stress for couples serving in ministry cross-culturally.

Even the most stable marriages are severely strained in the context of cross-cultural living. Eenigenburg lists potential stressors couples may face on the field—and offers helpful tips to overcome these… (CONTINUE READING | DOWNLOAD PDF)

For almost nine years, God has been using me in the MEDIA ministry as a short documentary film producer. I am also a visual artist; an impressionist doing mostly impasto artworks with oil paint as my main medium. God lead me to Grow2Serve where I work as an administrative assistant to our Senior Director, Mark Morgenstern.

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