Grow2serve partner, Global Trellis, helps cross-cultural workers flourish through ongoing equipping and development. Life on the field is stressful and too often cross-cultural workers are under-resourced for the realities they face. You need a place for your soul to breathe, your head to be engaged, and your heart to stay tender. You can find it in Global Trellis.

One of the greatest skills that we never quite arrive at is effective communication. Today, as we focus on building our skills, we will focus on communicating with our kids, but these lessons are not limited to them.

The term “hidden losses” is one that I have seen circulate abundantly and frequently in the Third Culture Kid world. The concept is that much of the TCK’s grief stems from… (CONTINUE READING)

For almost nine years, God has been using me in the MEDIA ministry as a short documentary film producer. I am also a visual artist; an impressionist doing mostly impasto artworks with oil paint as my main medium. God lead me to Grow2Serve where I work as an administrative assistant to our Senior Director, Mark Morgenstern.

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