The Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) is a professional journal serving the worldwide missions community and is the newest resource of Missio Nexus. This is Volume 54 issue 1 of EMQ released January 2018.
EDITORIAL: Missionary Faith by Marvin Newell
In a recent visit to Singapore at the international headquarters of a long-established mission, I was greeted at the entrance by words in huge letters, “Have Faith in God.” Clearly that mission, like many others, places a high value on the faith principle—high enough so as to prominently display it to the public.
Having an active faith in God is fundamental to the work of missions. If the glory of God is the fuel of missions, then faith in God proves it to be so. We evidence this faith by prayer. Missions of faith are missions of prayer. There are times when, by faith, missionaries and mission administrators do things that seem counter-intuitive because, in full reliance on Him and after deep communion with Him, the Spirit of God has lead them to do so. Here are some observations on missionary faith that we in the mission community do well to acknowledge.
1) Ask.
If we want to see people come to Jesus, let’s ask the Father. ‘You don’t have because you don’t ask’ (and sometimes we don’t ask because we don’t want it that much). Of course God’s generosity isn’t on a ‘prayer tap’. But the first 6 months here – when I often took an hour on solitary dark mornings to walk around Clarkston praising God and asking for him to act – they ‘paid off’ in answered prayers right till the day we moved out. I really should have done less direct outreach and more praying! I kind of discovered an adrenaline rush(!) in being God’s priest under Jesus, representing the spiritual needs of lost people to Him, and knowing He was listening. CONTINUE READING EDITORIAL…
Table of Contents:
Missionary Faith, Marvin Newell
Movement Maturity and Missionary Participation, Craig Ott
Is “Missions” One More Casualty of Postmodern Wordplay? Denny Spitters & Matthew Ellison
International Day for the Unreached: An Interview, Steve Johnson
Discipleship in Christendom … and Beyond, Gerald L. Sittser and Carlos Calderon
A Biblical Theology of Partnership in Mission, Atul Y. Aghamkar, PhD
New Lenses for Seeing Team Conflict, Jeff Singfiel
“We Reap on Zion’s Hill”: Adoniram Judson’s Heavenly-Minded Spirituality, Evan Burns
Three Surveys of Aspiring Missionaries: Draws and Concerns in Deciding to Become a Long-term Missionary, Megan R. Brown and John W. McVay
“It Shall be Done!” The Important Role of Prayer in Christian Mission, Sung Bauta
Rise Up Church—for Children and Youth! Dave Meyers
Mission Motives Why North Americans Serve and Stay Cross-Culturally
Confusion Concerning the Great Commission, David J. Hesselgrave